Moriji Murakami

1958Studied under dyeing artist Yonesaburo Kitazawa.
Kimono Yuzen, Toho type, Shochiku type, Costume Pattern Yuzen Kabuki-za, Meiji-za, Geijutsu-za, International Theater, Movies, etc.
1966Design adopted by Pierre Cardin
1974 Mitsukoshi Tokusen Gofuku passed
1977Received Suzunoya Award
1984Participated in the Kimono Production for the 1nd Suzunoya Kimono Show at NHK Hall
1985Participated in the Kimono Production for the 2nd Suzunoya Kimono Show at NHK Hall
1986~2001Worked at the U.S. Embassy in Tokyo and exhibited at the Japan-U.S. Exchange Exhibition.
Begins painting Noh masks in oil at the request of an art gallery.
2002Japan-Korea Cultural Exchange Stage Costume Production.
Supported by Embassy of the Republic of Korea.
2008NHK Chairman's Award (introduced in Sunday Museum of Art).
2011Participated in a group exhibition outside Lyon, France.
2012nominated as a member of the Japan New Crafts
2013Participation in the 'Kai Purple Dye Project' by Meisei University and Bunka Fashion College.
2014Selected, Japan Dye Artists Exhibition, Tokyo Metropolitan Art Museum.
2015Paris Permanent Peace Exhibition "Salle Royale"
2017Academy of Fine Arts, Seika University, Beijing Clothing Institute.
Ningbo Academy of Fine Arts, Shandong Academy of Arts and Crafts:Professors.
Visited Japan to study Japanese dyeing crafts (explained).
2019 recommended by the Friends of Nitten.
2017~2019Exhibited at the Japan New Crafts Kanto Region Group Exhibition,  The Ueno Royal Museum
2019A.M.S.C. Member of the Association of Artists, Spanish Headquarters.
Solo exhibition at the Tokyo American Club.
Exhibited at the Canada-Japan 91th Anniversary Exchange Exhibition (Quebec, Canada).
Member of the Japan-Europe Palace Arts Association
Exhibited in Belgium (Grand Prize)
200020G Founding Honorary Member of the Museum
2006~2023      Selected for consecutive years at the Japan New Crafts Exhibition
2009~2011Selected for consecutive Nitten
2015~2023Selected for consecutive Nitten,